Below are products available for purchase in the o2b Itch Free range.

All o2b products are fresh, we have a simple philosophy at o2b "use it or lose it".
We do not use preservatives or chemicals in our products, so like fresh vegies, use them don't store them.

o2b - Itch Free Bath Bags (with 5ml bottle of oil)
These bath bags are wonderful for anyone with dry skin, eczema, dermatitis etc. Full of natural ingredients to help make your skin soft, smooth and itch free. Whilst your bath is filling, drop a bath bag into the warm water add a couple of drops of the oil when you are in the bath, give the bag a squeeze to release milk. Rub the bath bag over any dry/affected spots. Safe enough to use daily.

We have prepared a blend safe and kind enough for children. Please specify if you require the childrens blend on the order form. The adult bags should not be used on children as the essential oils will be too strong for their skin.

All natural ingredients: oatmeal, oats, lavender, bicarb soda and a special blend of 100% essential oils.

$15.00 (min 210g) - Includes 5ml bottle of oil


o2b - Itch Free Bath Vinegar
Itchiness can drive you mad. You scratch and scratch and then this makes the problem worse then you touch other parts of your skin and the cycle begins again, but how do you stop this!!!! We have made a blend of lavender vinegar, lavender water, almond oil, evening primrose oil, jojoba oil and the essential oils that will help relieve itch and repair your skin. A must for your itchy days.

We have also made a special childrens blend.

$10.00 Small (125 ml)
$15.00 Large (250 ml)


o2b - Itch Free Soap
These soaps are wonderful if you suffer from dry or itchy skin. o2b itch free soap can be used daily like you would with a commercial soap product. As we do not use preservatives or chemicals in any of our products, soaps must be used within 4-6 weeks of purchase. Basically, use it or lose it!

Glycerine based soaps with a blend of essential oils, oatmeal and lavender flowers.

$5.00 Each


o2b - Itch Free Heat Rash Spray
This product is a must to keep in your handbag, beside your bed, in the car etc. When your body heats up this is usually when people start to scratch. So keep this bottle close to you - when you feel your body start to heat up or to start to iitch, cool it down with this great spray and then the itch will cease. If you are using nylon or synthetic clothing, you will find you are scratching even more.

Anyone with skin problems should really try to use only 100 % cotton clothing!!!!

$10.00 (125 ml)
$15.00 (250 ml)


o2b - Pot Of Gold Weeping Gel
Aloe vera based gel with a blend of essential oils to repair skin. Only to be used on ‘weeping’ or broken skin. Dab finger in pot – rub small amount of affected areas. Can be used morning and night. Try to keep child cool not warm/hot when skin is weeping as that is when they will scratch and transfer the problems.

A childrens blend is also available.

$15.00 Per Pot


o2b - Dry Skin Oil (D.S.O)
This joboba based oil has been blended with all the carriers and essentials oils to help assist in the repair of dry skin.

Rub a 2/3 drops of the oil on the dry skin/patch. Do not use if skin is broken or weeping. Can be used whenever you start to notice dry patches appearing on the skin. If you catch the dryness early, then you can help to relieve the skin and therefore you shouldn't scratch, transfer and start the whole cylce over again.

A childrens blend is also available.

$15.00 (12ml)


o2b - Soft & Silky (Body Custard for Dry Skin)

THis luxurious not only does this mixture look like custard, it also feels like it. This light body custard is perfect as a daily moisturiser for you or your child. Contains aloe vera to hydrate the skin, calendula and jojoba oils to help moisturise and a special blend of essentials oils to assist in the repair of your skin.

o2b Soft & Silky can be used on ALL skin types however this custard will benefit those who have dry skin complaints.

We also have a childrens blend.

$12.00 (50 ml)

